Midnight Wyrm

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The Midnight Wyrm

An Unborn dragon that grew within the Dreaming. His scales are black as night. Born in his mother’s eye and set to gestate within the Dreaming, he was never able to be truly born into the real world. Instead, he stays in the Dreaming under Verinfall and its ruins. A party of adventurers met him when attempting to move the [[Coronation Relics |Alteran throne and crown]], as well as the Elementals that reside within them. He agreed to watch over the throne and crown inside the Dreaming to give himself a purpose.

In order for the dragon be born, it is important that we find someone of his lineage to “take up the dream” of his birth, otherwise too much of him might be changed.

He carries a blade that is the Light elemental in one hand, and a blade that is the Shadow elemental in the other. They express their will to him, and he usually gives it voice (but does not seem obligated to do so).

In the interest of clarity – he is called the Midnight Wyrm because Cinna improvised an honorific, and he does not otherwise have a name (as he was not born, and thus never received one from his mother).










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