
Celestials are perhaps the least known race showing up only briefly (brief being a comparative term) before the Great Exile. While this does limit the folklore surrounding them, the consistency of that folklore in all nations is quite remarkable. As such, they are paradoxically the easiest of all myths to study.

Celestials seem to appear near the end of demonic rule. Legends (Calakmel excluded) all seem to confirm that the Celestials came in direct response to the horrific enslavement of humanity and were a driving force of humanity’s liberation. Their role as shackle-breakers ensure that they are well thought of in the valid histories of the world. Most myths concede that once the Great Exile was finished and the demons were driven into other worlds, the Celestials left on their own accord to follow in pursuit of their cosmic adversary.

In the interest of academic thought, the dissenting view of Calakmel should be noted. In the distorted mythos of Calakmel, the Celestials are seen as vengeful beings attacking demons with no care as to who or what else would be in the way. They are seen as elements of chaos who were actively trying to destabilize and destroy a thriving society. The totality of evidence against this view of history in any academic mind is more than enough to remove it from serious consideration.

Celestials are often described as beings of light and who fly on brilliant wings of vibrant colors of pure energy or pure white feathers. Their skin, much like their clothes, tend mirror the precious metals that are so prized by humans. They are often described as beings of bronze, silver, gold, or pure alabaster white. Celestials are said to be the origins of the Mathurada belief in personal responsibility, as well as the Larana freedom of spirit. As cultures have developed, so have the names of these bright guardians. Much like Dragons, it is difficult to tell if these are proper names or names of categories of Celestials, but I have attempted to compile a list for future research.

  • Altera: Celestials
  • Calakmel: Amesha
  • Larana: L’ange
  • Mathuradu: Deva
  • Moragon: Gamayun
  • Others: Nephilim

Difficult Attributes: Ingenuity & Resilience

Celestial Character Modifications

Upon purchasing each racial tier, the player must choose one Behavioral or Makeup modification for their character.  You may not choose additional modifications beyond your racial tier.

  • Never use binding effects
  • Never back from a fight unless outnumbered 3 to 1
  • Never use poison effects
  • Always killing blow an enemy combatant if you were physically struck three or more times by that enemy
  • Spend at least 5 minutes each day recounting the glory of personal deeds
  • Never take from a fallen adversary
  • Cheek and eye highlights of gold, bronze, or silver
  • Ornate patterns of gold, silver, or bronze on the face
Cost Summary
150XP8Illumination or Healing Touch
2100XP8Shining Purity or Incorruptable
3150XP8Revealing Light or Dawn’s Blessing
4200XP8Shining Clarity or Sanctuary of Light
5250XP8Searing Light or Shining Wings
6300XP8Shining Glory or Body of Light
Celestial Racial Powers

The Celestial may, at will, create a single in play light source with one minute of concentration. The player must provide their own out-of-play light phys-reps. These reps should be, or approximate the light output of, a glow stick.
Tagline: None.


Healing Touch
The Celestial may, once per combat, use a single Light Heal Wound 1 effect on another character. See the Effects List for more information.
Tagline: “Light Heal Wound 1”

Shining Light
The Celestial may, at will, spend one minute of concentration and use a “Light Bless Weapon 0” effect on a weapon they wield. This effect ends after 30 minutes, or if the Celestial no longer wields the weapon. See the Effects List for more details.
Tagline: “Light Bless Weapon 0”


The Celestial may, once per reset, use a Light Resist Contagion and a Light Resist Disease effect on themselves, after one minute of concentration. See the Effects List for more information.
Tagline: “Light Resist Disease”, “Light Resist Contagion”

Revealing Light
The Celestial may, once per reset, use a Voice Effect Light Reveal Conceal effect. See the Effects List for more details.
Tagline: “Voice Effect Light Reveal Conceal”


Dawn’s Blessing
The Celestial gains the passive ability that between sunrise and sunset, the character does not advance their Bleed Out time while in a Critical state.
Tagline: None

Shining Clarity
The Celestial may, once per combat, use a packet to deliver a Light Awaken effect to another character. See the Effects List for more details.
Tagline: “Light Awaken”


Sanctuary of Light
The Celestial may, once per Reset, use a Light Circle effect. The Celestial must remain within the Circle or the effect ends. The Circle will stop all characters from entering or exiting the Circle. In addition, the Celestial may call “Light Parry” or “Light Counter Spell” at will to any attacks from outside the Circle that target characters within the Circle. While maintaining the Circle the Celestial may take no other actions. The Circle can be no greater than 10 feet in diameter, and must be represented by a rope or other demarcation. See the Effects List for more details.
Tagline: “Light Circle”

Searing Light
The Celestial may, once per combat, use an Light Absorb Magic effect upon themselves after 1 minute of concentration. Once this Absorb Magic is used, the Celestial may, within 10 seconds of using the Absorb, use a packet delivered Effect identical to the one that was Absorbed, with a source of Light. See the Effects List for more details.
Tagline: “Light Absorb Magic”, “Light [Absorbed Effect]”


Shining Wings
The Celestial may, once per combat, use a Light Fly effect upon themselves. See the Effects List for more details.
Tagline: “Light Fly”

Shining Glory
The Celestial gains the passive ability that between sunrise and sunset, the character may call +1 damage with any weapon/claw attack.
Tagline: None


Body of LIght
The Celestial may, at will, Reduce any Snare effect to 1 point of damage, taken to the location struck. See the Effects List for more details.
Tagline: “Reduce”

Inspiration Images

[pin_board url=”https://www.pinterest.com/Alteraawakens/celestial-racial-ideas/” size=”custom” image_width=”100″ board_width=”100%” board_height=”300″]